
Beersmith cloud
Beersmith cloud

beersmith cloud

BeerSmith 2.The BeerSmith 3.2 update is here – enjoy a free 21 day trial version that is compatible with the new BeerSmith Web based recipe editor.


  • Five Quick BeerSmith 2 Home Brewing Software Tips.
  • beersmith cloud

    Getting the Most from the BeerSmith Recipes Cloud.Sharing and Rating Recipes in the BeerSmith Cloud.Related Beer Brewing Articles from BeerSmith: Be sure to sign up for my newsletter or my podcast (also on itunes…and youtube…and streaming radio station) for more great tips on homebrewing. Thanks for joining me on the BeerSmith Home Brewing Blog.

    beersmith cloud

    That is a quick overview of the recipe sharing options available in BeerSmith and the BeerSmith cloud. It is important to note that each recipe has its own privacy setting, so you can choose to either keep all your recipes private, or select just a few recipes to share or mark unlisted. The idea behind an unlisted recipe is that you can give the sharing id to a friend so they can access the recipe without having it listed in search results for something you may not want shared with the whole world. Unlisted: If you mark a recipe as “unlisted” it will not show up in general search results, but it can be accessed using the sharing ID shown. Shared recipes can be found and downloaded by any other BeerSmith user. If you opt to share the recipe, it will now be accessible from both the search page as well as the cloud search functions within BeerSmith desktop and mobile. Shared: On both the mobile and desktop version there is a button that allows you to share a selected recipe. Private recipes can be reached from your other mobile or desktop devices, but only if you are logged into your account. They are not publicly listed or accessible unless you take action to share them. Private: By default, anything you add to your cloud folder is marked as private which means that only people logged in with your cloud login can access them. On the mobile if you open a cloud recipe there is a “Sharing State” button just under the section with the recipe name that lets you adjust privacy. On the mobile version, there is a selection on the menu that lets you alter privacy. On the desktop you click on the large “Share” icon (looks like a large lock) from Cloud view to change the privacy settings for the selected recipe. On both the desktop and mobile version the cloud folder is a separate selection to differentiate it from the locally stored “My Recipes” folder. You can add items to your cloud folder by either moving/copy/pasting new items to the folder or by creating a new recipe in the cloud folder area.


    Storing recipes offline in the cloud for backup purposes.Sharing recipes with others (if you mark them as shared).Sharing recipes privately between your computers and mobile devices.

    beersmith cloud

    Some potential uses for the cloud folder: In BeerSmith 3 a secure connection (SSL/Https) is used. Access to the cloud is integrated into the desktop and mobile versions of BeerSmith software as a “cloud folder”, which reach back to the server to access recipes stored there. The BeerSmith cloud is an online server located at which currently has some 850,000 beer, mead, wine, and cider recipes. The cloud features in BeerSmith let you share recipes between your computers and phone, share with other users or just use as an online private backup for your recipes. This week I present a short overview of the cloud sharing, privacy and folder features available in BeerSmith 3 home brewing software.

    Beersmith cloud